The polluted egg
scandal affects more countries and the European Commission of Health
calls for a crisis meeting ... and the countries on the list will shock
Romania and Slovakia announced on Thursday that they had been affected
by the polluted eggs issue, bringing the number of countries affected by
the scandal to 17. For his part, announced the European Commissioner for Health
Andriukaitis that the Commission will invite the States concerned to a
crisis meeting to discuss the matter.The number of European countries affected by the Vibronil
insect-contaminated egg scandal has risen to 17 countries - Belgium, the
Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Britain, Austria, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Denmark - as well
as Switzerland and Hong Kong.Denmark's food and veterinary authorities said 20 tons of contaminated
eggs from Belgium were sold in Denmark, while Slovakia said it had
found eggs imported from the Netherlands, which arrived via Germany.Romania's veterinary health authorities found a ton of egg yolk
contaminated by the same material from Germany in a warehouse in the
west of the country.Britain, which said the scandal was only slightly overshadowed,
admitted on Thursday that 700,000 contaminated eggs had been imported
for use in food products.Meeting of the European Commission of Health to discuss the matterThe European Union intends to call a crisis meeting to discuss the matter, calling on Member States to work together.The European Commissioner for Health, Viténène Andriucaitis, said that
the Commission will invite the countries that have suffered the scandal
to a meeting immediately after the disclosure of the circumstances."I proposed to hold a high-level meeting of representatives of food
security agencies in all affected member states once the facts are
presented to us," he said in a written letter, explaining that he had
discussed the issue with Belgian, Dutch and German ministers.The scandal resulted from the use of banned fibronil in poultry farms
in the European Union by companies specializing in clearing the farms in
the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.The EU says there is no risk to consumers if they eat less than 0.009 milligrams per kilogram during a meal or day.For a person weighing 60 kilograms, that is 0.54 milligrams, or eight eggs containing the largest amount of fibronil.
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